International Conference "Trajectories and Educational Choice"
Research on "Trajectories in Education and Careers", the First Russian National Longitudinal Study
On the 16th of September, 2016, Centre for Cultural Sociology and Anthropology of Education, Institute of Education, organizes the first international conference "Trajectories and Educational Choice: Research on "Trajectories in Education and Careers” (TrEC)". The conference is aimed at collaboration of scholars with research interests in education, labour market, life course studies.
The conference participants are the researchers from HSE and international partners of the project, who work with the TrEC longitudianl data and will present the results of their studies. Conference papers will be dedicated to different stages and aspects of young people’s educational and occupational trajectories, including tracking after the 9th grade, university or a vocational education institution admission, additional education etc.
TrEC includes several panels (the same individuals participate in the survey for several years). The most informative one is the national panel based on the representative All-Russian sample of TIMSS-2011. TrEC data-bases are available for researchers and analysts after sending an online application and signing the data-use agreement.
Keynote speakers:
Martin Carnoy, Professor at Stanford University, Academic Supervisor of International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis. He specializes in comparative analysis with a special focus on interrelations between educational systems and economies. He is an author of more than 30 books on education and economics.
Сonference programme (PDF, 123 Kb)
The conference will take place at 20, Myasnitskaya St., rooms 311, 101
Starting on September, 16th, at 10.00.
Conference languages: Russian and English with simultaneous translation.
In order to attend, please, register here. Registration is open till 12.00, September, the 15th. If you are planning to participate in the conference and don't have a pass to HSE buildings, please, indicate it in the registration form.
Contact informationIf you have any questions, please, write to Diana Yanbarisova:
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