Full list of events can be seen on the page of CCSAE
- 1-2 nd of May 2015 Annual conference of Yale Center for Cultural Sociology "Cultural Sociology Writ Small: The surprising merits of modest case study research". Dmitry Kurakin co-authoring with Werner Binder, presented a key-note paper titled "Biography and Form of Life: Toward a Cultural Analysis of Narrative Interviews". Ekaterina Pavlenko presented a paper "The effect of changing meaning of «adulthood» on the life course".
- 17-18 th of April 2015 XIV International conference of young researchers “Vectors of contemporary Russia development “War of the worlds: scientific knowledge vs. pragmatics of everyday life”. Diana Yanbarisova presented a paper titled “School students narratives of being nominated as gifted: cultural sociology approach”
- 8-10 th of April 2015 XVI April conference. Symposium “How institutional factors influence student’s trajectories” Dmitry Kurakin, Valeriya Malik. Ekaterina Pavlenko: “Introduction into panel study “Trajectories in Education and Career”, Alexey Bessudnov, Valeriya Malik: “Family socio-economic characteristics and their effect on students trajectories after 9th grade”. Diana Yanbarisova: ““School students narratives of being nominated as gifted: cultural sociology approach”
- 4-6 th of December, 2014. First conference on cultural sociology of education, Linneaus University, Vaxjo, Sweden. Dmitry Kurakin, Diana Yanbarisova, Ekaterina Pavlenko presented papers based on Tracer atom project of TrEC. On this conference participants discussed how this sphere of research can be developed.
- 9-11 th of October, 2014. “Lives in translation: Life course research and social policies”. Valeriya Malik participated in a conference of Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, she presented TrEC project.
- 25-27th of April, 2014. Yale Center for Cultural Sociology Anniversary Conference “Advancing Cultural Sociology”. Members of the CCSAE presented on a specialized section, devoted to the TrEC project, together with CCSAE partners Timothy Malacarne and Werner Binder.
- September 28-29, 2012 “Body Regimes of Youth in Everyday Life” (Saint-Petersburg)
Conference about Body Regimes was organized by the Center of Youth Studies In Saint-Petersburg branch of Higher School of Economics. Diana Yanbarisova presented a paper “Typical approaches to decision-making through the way teenagers master their bodies”, prepared in cooperation with Dmitry Kurakine and Ekaterina Pavlenko. In this paper interviews gathered through Tracer Element sub-project were analyzed. Interviews were conducted in September 2012 with teenagers in Yaroslavl.
You can read in more details about the conference on the page of the Center of Youth Studies.
- April 17-19, 2013 International Forum “Eurasian Educational Dialogue” (Yaroslavl)
“Eurasian Educational Dialogue” was organized with participation of Institute of Education of HSE. Diana Yanbarisova presented a paper “Working while studying in the University as a practice of informal education: influence on academic achievement”
Thesises are published on the website of the Forum
- September 9-13, 2013 The European Conference on Educational Research (Istanbul)
Ekaterina Pavlenko and Diana Yanbarisova participated in an annual conference of EERA, placed in Stambul 2013. Ekaterina Pavlenko presented a paper «Cultural Sociology in Education: Putting Educational Trajectories into New Perspective» on a section «Employability and Transition to Work of Higher Education Graduates”. Diana Yanbarisova presented a paper: «Learning And Working: Types Of Combining University Studies With Employment» on a section «Research in Higher Education».
- September 28, 2013 IV annual international conference of Russian Association of Researchers in Higher Education “University traditions: a resource or a burden?” (Moscow)
Ekaterina Pavlenko presented a paper on the role of category “success” in life planning, on the basis of interviews taken with university graduates in Yaroslavl in 2012.
- October 23-24, 2013, VIII International Forum “Quality Guarantees of Professional Education” (Moscow)
Dmitry Kurakin participated with a paper “Contemporary factors increasing significance of the “University brand” from the point of view of educational choice”. Paper prepared based on the interviews with teenagers in Tatarstan, when they were choosing a university to enroll in.
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